Sunday, December 28, 2008

Setting Apart

This morning at 7:30 Glenn and I met with President Peterson who formally released us from our stake callings. This evening we gathered at our stake center in the high council room to be set apart. It was just wonderful to have so many of our family there to support us. Cindy, Bret, Spencer, Taylor, Dallin, Hunter, Danny, Ashley, Ellie, Mike, Kristen, John, Matthew, Meagan, Shea, Sherry, Jason, Madelyn, Jaxon, and nephew Greg Schern with Melanie, Jaisa, and Camden were all there. President Smith asked each one to introduce himself. In this stake the policy is for only the Stake Presidency to be in the circle to set apart. Glenn was set apart first. He received a beautiful blessing including the gift of communication and improved health. I was also given a beautiful blessing and told that my family would be all right in my absence. So now we are officially Elder and Sister Smith.

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