Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sentiments in Spring

Spring is finally coming to Salt Lake City, even though I still wear my heavy coat and even boots. The blossoms on the trees and flowers are beautiful. I've never seen such lovely tulips before. We continue to work hard and keep very, very busy. The library is getting busier and busier. It is really exciting to be able to help patrons find their ancestors and to see the thrill on their faces. General Conference was just wonderful, of course. It was the first time we have ever attended a live session of Conference, and it was a very special experience. I have been in the Conference Center before but not for Conference. What a magnificent building it is. Watching 21,000 people file out when it is over is like watching ants. It is amazing. We hooked up with Ned and Lydia Smith on Saturday before Conference. They came to our apartment after the Sunday afternoon session for dinner. We had such a wonderful visit and talked ourselves to death. They reported to the MTC on Monday prior to their going to Nauvoo. Ned is really excited about getting to drive a team of horses, and Lydia hopes she can sew fast enough. It was great to see them.
I am singing in a quartet with Evelyn Nielson tomorrow in Relief Society. She is so much fun. They are such a blessing to this mission and will be sorely missed. The Elijah Choir that Sis. Nielson and I sing with is presenting an Easter program Monday morning, April 13 at the weekly devotional in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building chapel.
I was walking by myself to go into the library this past week when Mack Wilberg passed me and said hello. Swoon. (Ha!) Last evening Elder Smith and I attended the Bells on Temple Square concert in the filled-to-capacity Tabernacle. What a magnificent performance! I don't have words to describe it. If you ever have an opportunity to hear them, don't miss it. Your children would be mesmerized as you would be. What a spiritual, cultural feast in preparation for Easter.
Thank you again for your prayers for our grandson. It appears that he has turned a corner and may be on an upward climb to recovery. If it were not for the prayers and fasting of so many and the tender miracles that the Lord has granted, he would not be with us. He has a long road ahead still, but at least the road is there.
At this Easter time, we testify that Jesus Christ is truly the only begotten Son of God, our eternal Father. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He suffered for each one of us, for our sins, our sadnesses, and our afflictions, for our grandson and children and all of your children and grandchildren and for all of you and every single soul. How great and wonderful He is. We love Him and desire to give our lives to Him. Every morning when I see the sun rise, I am reminded over and over again that the Son DID rise for us all.

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