Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another Week

Yeah! March is here. Hopefully spring will come soon. I have to admit that I am looking forward to seeing colors besides brown, black, gray, and white. I'll try never to complain about desert brown again. This week we are on the 10:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. shift. Except for the mornings that I have to get up early for choir practice, it is sure nice to be able to wake up when it is daylight without an alarm. Our schedule is fairly routine with rotating schedules for our duties. Elder Smith is now Floor Manager frequently. We are both on the education committee. I am helping edit and proof the certification manual and will be retyping the Silver level manual (Bronze, Silver, Gold). These are the training manuals for all new missionaries. I just completed my Bronze manual. VERY tedious, difficult, and time consuming, but we sure learn a great deal from them. I am always surprised when I can help a patron with information I have learned from my manual.
Last Monday evening we had a great zone potluck supper with soups, salads, rolls, and the never-ending Mormon desserts. A group of 8 men, four young and four older Elders, who call themselves the Elderly Brothers, sang and entertained us with great songs and humor. My daughter Amy thinks all we do is party, but not so. Of course tomorrow night is the pie and ice cream night for the Elijah Choir members and spouses. But that's the only one scheduled for this next week. Next party: Hail and Farewell on March 9.
We are so thankful for blessings every day including protection from flood and fire. Well, the washer hose did flood last night, which we were up late cleaning up. The fire alarm last week was false, and the dryer didn't catch on fire, even though the top of it was too hot to touch, and the exhaust hose thingy was split in half. The apartment building "maintenance men" came in to check our appliances, and this is what happened the first time I tried to use the washer and dryer after they left. I remembered Kathy Peterson's counsel to never leave the house with the dryer running. Amen to that.

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